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In every case where Child Welfare Services (the county) takes custody of a child or files a petition, the court provides an attorney to the child/youth. This attorney does not work for CWS. The child’s attorney works for the client: YOU, the youth.  Your attorney represents you and your wishes and advocates for your best interest. We want to make sure that every attorney assigned to represent a juvenile in court is meeting the standards for representation of children. To do so, we want to hear from you on how your attorney is doing and what you think of the court process. This allows us to make sure that the attorneys know when they are doing a good job and when they need to make some changes to help them work better. 


All answers will be collected and pooled together anonymously. No attorney will know who made what statement in order to protect confidentiality. After completing this survey, you will have the chance to complete an extra form for a chance to win a $50 Wal-Mart Gift Card. This form is completely separate from your survey so that we cannot tell which survey is yours. Names stay in the drawing for a whole year, so you have multiple chances to win! It is okay if you do not want to enter the drawing. 


If you do not understand a question, just answer the best way you can, and then move on. It is okay to ask an adult to help read the questions and answers to you, but please be honest in your answers. 


This survey is to gather responses directly from the youth only. If you are administrating the survey please do so in a neutral way - show no signs of emotion, approval or disapproval. There will be other survey opportunities for stakeholders to share their experiences. If you are a foster parent, we value your experiences as well and there will be an opportunity for you to participate in the stakeholder survey, so please do not answer this survey on behalf of the children in your home.



CLS San Diego

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